There is this guy whom I've keep on rejecting for 3 years. There are times that I enjoys his company, times that he bores me. Times when I feel his sincerity and times that feels like he is lacking. Times that he thrills me and times that he annoys me. I just can't see him as a boyfriend material or anything, just a friend.
I met him in my senior year. My friend had a crush on him. She told me that she always caught him looking in her way so we assumed that he also likes her. Days passed and it turned out that he had a crush on me. I was all like "Seriously?". I'm not flattered at all. It simply riddles me on what it is that he sees in me. I never talked to him let alone made an eye contact. It turns out that it is me he's looking for every time and not my friend. I just shrugged the idea off because I don't like him and I love my friend. But it is okay with my friend though because she's in a relationship during those time and it's just a simple infatuation. And she assured me that she's cool with it.
Then he tried to court me but I always say NO without second thought. It is not because of my friend, but I just simply don't like him in a romantic level. This goes on for years. And recently he's going out with someone. He found someone whom he treasures so much and that girl also cares for him. I am genuinely happy for him, I really am. But sometimes I feel a sudden pang of jealous and regret. Seeing them happy and in love makes me wonder and continuous what ifs is running in my mind. But I know it is me and my cowardice's fault why I have these feelings of regret. I can only blame myself for that and forever wonder what if I just say YES.
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